Why do you need a Dream Journal?
Are you wondering what is a Dream Journal and why you need one?
Here at Persistants.com, we created a Modern, Blue & Brown Dream Journal for you to capture all of those wonderful thoughts as you have them, I mean Dream them.
Why do you need a Dream Journal?
“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep; See me safely through the night, And wake me with the morning’s light.“

Ever wake up in the middle of the night and tried to tell your loved one what you dreamed about and are ready to give the play-by-play????? and you got nothing! Yup. that’s why.
In this dream journal, you have the perfect chance to start Capturing why you woke up and remember what messages you may have received from someone special. It could help you learn to start appreciating life more through gratitude and happiness all this journalling business adds up ya know.
A couple of minutes a day helps you to self-explore, but don’t worry if you miss a day or two, all spaces are not predated so you can keep your journal as personal as you want. Organize the chaos in your mind and be stress-free by concentrating on the happiest things in your life.
Take time for yourself to acknowledge & Capture your dreams.
Do you have one??? Get your Dream Journal here!
Link & Images to PEAs Dream Journal here

Do dream journals actually work?
Psychologists believe that there’s a scientific link between our minds and our behavior; dream journaling can give insight into our minds during sleep. But that’s not all;Â studies show that journaling improves your overall physical health, strengthening the immune system and slowing down the aging process
What does a dream journal do?
A dream journal is a journal in which you record your nightly dreams. You can also record reflections and emotions about those dreams and even your waking life experiences. A dream journal is often used in the study of dreams and psychology.
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