In this post, we’ll show you how to customize PEAS templates in Canva to match your brand in minutes!

In this post, we’ll show you how to customize PEAS templates in Canva to match your brand in minutes!
First things first, Why Choose WordPress? Let’s cut right to the chase – WordPress is the world’s leading content management system also known as (CMS) in my opinion, and for good reason: It’s used by more websites than any other platform. It’s 100% FREE and offers hundreds of free themes, layouts, and add-ons that many other blogging platforms don’t provide, to choose from. It extensible, which means you can add all kind of functionality if, and when you need it. It’s super easy to set up. It’s secure, WordPress is always updating their software and keeping everything sound and secure. No wonder Facebook, NASA and […]
updated April 2019 We’ve found many small business owners and executives are often very reluctant to delegate? It’s  because they think this means letting go of control over what happens. Are you one of those Managers or Business Owners? At Persistants Executive Assistants +Virtually, we notice a tiny, yet extremely consistent pattern with some of our […]